Instead of a coherent plan for the future we get another cock-up

Did the Government learn nothing from Hubs and Spokes of the last strategy?
Commenting on the launch of the National Planning Framework, Labour spokesperson on Housing and Local Government, Jan O’Sullivan TD, said:
“National Planning Strategies are hugely important for any country. They shape the future and determine where money is spent for the overall good of the people.
“How can this plan be on a statutory basis if it is agreed and published before the law to put it on a statutory basis is passed. Government must clarify this, or the validity of the plan to underpin decisions and spending for the next 20 years is built on sand
“This plan has been three years in the making with two sets of public consultation and numerous submissions and discussions around the country. There are background documents that provide the evidence base for its priorities.
“But, during the past two weeks the whole thing has been turned on its head because ministers ran scared of making choices in the national interest. The crying shame is that the validity of the plan is now questionable.
“This could have been avoided by taking the few weeks needed to complete the enactment of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2016 which includes in Section 8 the requirement that a draft of the Plan should be approved by both Houses of the Oireachtas along with the accompanying Environment Report and Appropriate Assessment Report.”