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O’Sullivan slams June increase in Child Homelessness in Mid West

Limerick T.D Jan O’Sullivan says the 23% increase in child homelessness in the Mid-West region between May and June of this year is a disgrace.

Deputy O’Sullivan, Labour Party Housing Spokesperson said: “These figures speak for themselves. In May of this year there were 141 children homeless in the region but in June that figure rose to 173. “

“Each of the 173 children who are homeless in Limerick is in desperate need of a secure home for themselves and their families.” “This comes as the number of private rented/HAP properties and social housing available are dwindling. Rebuilding Ireland has been an abysmal failure. Yet the Housing Minister claims 2 less homelessness children nationally as a success.”

The Limerick TD who recently launched the Labour Party’s comprehensive housing policy continued: “Our recent policy document Affordable Housing for All proposes amongst other measures a nationwide rent pressure zone and an assertive targeted policy to bring vacant homes back into use.” “We have to get serious about repurposing these buildings so we can turn them into liveable homes and part of that involves each council having a dedicated vacant homes officer.”

“The 2016 CSO figures showed almost 3,000 vacant homes in Limerick, many of which are owned by the council.

“While the council did bring many empty homes back into use since I put in place the void scheme as Housing Minister in 2013, there are still many empty council properties across the city.”

Deputy O’Sullivan concluded by saying:

“What’s needed is a series of targeted measures to control rents and bring vacant housing back into use as quickly as possible. 173 children in the Mid-West are currently on their school holidays and living in hotel rooms. They need firm action from central government and from the council to house them as soon as possible.”

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